I am sure I will be convicted but hoping to get a 90 days suspension after and apply to go through one of the streaming programs by the Ministry of Transportation. I am hoping.
I have no other convictions or got in trouble with the police except speeding tickets. I am 50 years old, have a family with two girls (15&18) living in a house in Guelph.
I made one stupid mistake and I am devastated afraid losing everything we have.
It was just a social get together thinking I can drive home. Mistake.
I also just started a new job being afraid to lose it now. And then finding another job with a criminal conviction, even if it is a DUI or Impaired Driving offence.
I am looking for help to “soften” my record. Not sure what to do.
I was reading about your organization and decided to contact you already.
Traveling and having my record as clean as possible are my goals not to affect my entire life situation.
I know I sound desperate. But, any help would be appreciated very much.
When you are finished court and pay your fine for the DUI then you will need to be out of trouble for five years to get your pardon or record suspension granted. However, we can start your file to remove your DUI early as the process takes 12-20 months. We can gather and prepare all the documents in advance and get you some supporting documents so that you will be safe for travel in the meantime.