I have two assault charges from over 10 years ago. Now im doing schooling to get a better job but it seems that every employer does criminal background checks. What do I need to do?

Questions & AnswersCategory: PardonsI have two assault charges from over 10 years ago. Now im doing schooling to get a better job but it seems that every employer does criminal background checks. What do I need to do?
Pardons Staff Staff asked 1 year ago
1 Answers
Pardons Staff Staff answered 1 year ago

One pardon or record suspension will remove both assault charges.  Once the assault convictions are removed then you will be safe for work as they will no longer show up on a criminal background check.  The pardon process can take time and it is complicated application which Pardons Canada can help you with.  Call any counselor at 1877-929-6011 x1