I’m trying to figure out my criminal record. I was charged with assault but got a conditional discharge so it should no longer be on my provincial record but it shows on my federal. Will this affect me if I try to enter the US?

Questions & AnswersCategory: PardonsI’m trying to figure out my criminal record. I was charged with assault but got a conditional discharge so it should no longer be on my provincial record but it shows on my federal. Will this affect me if I try to enter the US?
Pardons Staff Staff asked 1 year ago
1 Answers
Pardons Staff Staff answered 1 year ago

It is important to remove the fingerprints associated with your conditional discharge by way of a file destruction.  Since it was a discharge you do not need a pardon or record suspension however since you were fingerprinted it can still show up unless a file destruction application is requested.  Once the prints are removed, then you will be safe to travel to the US without worry.