I was charged with a DUI 12 years ago and had another DUI about 22 years ago and apparently I found out I had an assault charge roughly 1988. As far as I know I have been finger printed in Hamilton ON. The assault I think it was probation, as for the oldest DUI I don’t remember and the most recent DUI was a 2000 dollar fine. I was told by the Miami customs office as I was leaving my cruise that I needed some kind of paperwork. The US border guard said I would be turned away if I try to cross into America. I was also held in the Toronto secondary for 3 hours before they let me go to my plane for Miami. As I have no idea what I need to be able to go on my next cruise. As my wife and I cruise at least 2 times a year. I have never had any jail time. Please advise.

Questions & AnswersCategory: PardonsI was charged with a DUI 12 years ago and had another DUI about 22 years ago and apparently I found out I had an assault charge roughly 1988. As far as I know I have been finger printed in Hamilton ON. The assault I think it was probation, as for the oldest DUI I don’t remember and the most recent DUI was a 2000 dollar fine. I was told by the Miami customs office as I was leaving my cruise that I needed some kind of paperwork. The US border guard said I would be turned away if I try to cross into America. I was also held in the Toronto secondary for 3 hours before they let me go to my plane for Miami. As I have no idea what I need to be able to go on my next cruise. As my wife and I cruise at least 2 times a year. I have never had any jail time. Please advise.
Pardons Staff Staff asked 1 year ago
1 Answers
Pardons Staff Staff answered 1 year ago

Usually the Americans are more concerned about more serious offences but because you have more than one criminal offence then they can deny you entry to the US.  If we obtained your pardon for the DUI and the assault then the Americans would not have seen anything, however, since you did not get the pardon they can see your criminal offences.  At this point, if you want to be safe to travel to the US then you will need to obtain a US Entry Waiver or I-194.  You can speak to any counsellor at 1877-929-6011 x1