In 1986 a friend and I were stopped at the US border for some recreational cannabis

Questions & AnswersCategory: PardonsIn 1986 a friend and I were stopped at the US border for some recreational cannabis
Pardons Staff Staff asked 1 year ago

The border officer charged us with a criminal offence but did not give us a criminal record. I have been to the US several times since 2011 and nothing has come up on my background check. However I am filling out a security clearance form for a job opportunity and it asks if I have any criminal offence for which a pardon has not been granted. Since the US border has tightened its rules recently I’m afraid they might change the ruling in my case. Is there anyone I could talk to that could give me this info.

1 Answers
Pardons Staff Staff answered 1 year ago

The Americans will still deny people entry to the US for a cannabis offence no matter how small the amount was or how old the offence.  If you were fingerprinted in Canada for the criminal offence then it will show up on a criminal background check but if you were printed in the US then it should not show up in Canada.